The Remarkable Secret

What if we told you that you could actually realize your dreams?

The Law of Attraction reveals that through visualization and manifestation methods we can create the life and experiences we most desire. Let us consider one path of wealth manifestation that most of us share: winning the lottery.

We’ve all been told the extraordinary mathematical odds of winning a lotto jackpot are next to none, yet there are winners all the time.

Did the winners just get lucky? Yes, they did. But what if there’s more to it than that? What if there’s A LOT MORE to it that would surprise you and make you question everything you thought you knew about yourself, the world, and your destiny? And if there’s more to life than purely mathematical randomness, then perhaps there’s more to everything, including the lottery. Like every great treasure hunter throughout history, you have to attune to the clues left behind. There are hidden messages and codes that unlock the mysteries of life, wealth, and purpose.

By now, most of us are aware that there is much more going on in our reality than we’re led to believe. Science is constantly finding something new and puzzling that stumps the world’s smartest people and changes our perception of reality. This results in an explosion of ideas, new technologies, inventions, and alters the way we live, understand, and interact with the world. More and more, it looks like the world we live in has qualities that can only be described as magical.

Certainly, someone from the mid-1800s would be astounded to discover electricity, lights, cars, computers, communication, cell phones, the internet, planes, modern medicine, rockets, television, and all manner of things that didn’t exist before then. These inventions have vastly accelerated the creation of wealth and improvement of living conditions for almost all of humanity.

At our current rate of innovation and exploration, just imagine what new wonders are in store for us in the decades ahead? It appears there may be no limit. And it all starts in the mind, from the spark of imagination… What if?

Maybe you’ve never quite thought about it, but we’re guessing that you’ve experienced déjà vu, synchronicity, or strange coincidences that are so unlikely that they jump out at you and make you wonder, what is really going on?

Maybe you thought of someone you haven’t heard from in awhile, and the next thing you know, they appear before you or call you unexpectedly. Or you see repeating “angel numbers” like 1111, 222, or 333, or your house number, birthday or other significant numbers on signs or billboards or on receipts? Or you think of one of your favorite songs and it starts playing on the radio or at a store?

While creating the Lotto Code we kept coming back to Tesla and something profound he stated: “If you only knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6, and 9 you would have the key to the universe.”

After watching numerous YouTube videos on Tesla and the meaning behind his statement of the power of 3, 6, and 9, we started seeing 369, 396, 639, 963 and 936 everywhere on license plates, receipts, gas prices, stock tickers, and very unlikely places all the time. This happened so much that we were compelled to create a promo code Tesla369 for 63.9% off our Lotto Code premium tier until March 22nd, 2024.

While considering these mysterious signs that seem to be occurring regularly in our own daily lives, we started paying attention. It’s as if something or someone is trying to communicate with us, but in a manner that doesn’t necessarily intrude. We are free to live in ignorance or follow the signs wherever they may lead. You really have to attune and be open in order to start “seeing” signs consistently. Are they just figments of our imagination, the product of cognitive bias, or other tricks of the mind? Or perhaps your higher self, God, the universe, your guardian angel or spirit guides?

It’s hard to know for sure, but it’s a fascinating notion and this is what led us down the path that eventually resulted in the creation of the Lotto Code, which also led you here.

The Lotto Code is a pattern recognition tool we developed that you can use in your quest to win the lottery. We saw many patterns in the lottery, but there’s no software or tool that could help us see or confirm these patterns. With the right tools and awareness, perhaps we could make more accurate and meaningful selections that could one day lead to a lottery win?


Lotto Code is a software tool that reveals hidden patterns in the lottery that can help increase your odds exponentially to WIN the JACKPOT!

Searching online was hopeless as all information reaffirms the notion that lottery drawings are 100% random. Finding out that the number “5”, for example, has been picked 7.16% of the time over the past 5 years isn’t helpful. But seeing that it came up 4 times in the past 2 weeks would be interesting. Knowing that it pops up alongside the number 19 often, could be curious. And if it’s so “random” why are there patterns? Hmmm… maybe the lottery is not random in the strictest sense. Hint: with the Lotto Code you can see for yourself tons of patterns that will literally shock you. Sign up for our free tier and upgrade when you’re ready to win big.

While thinking about this, we also started seeing specific numbers in our daily life or numbers that stood out for specific reasons that were personal to us or had known universal significance throughout history. Then they would appear in the lottery drawings in a manner that stunned us over and over. “Impossible!” you say. Yes, indeed it should be! But nonetheless, we are seeing these numbers in ways that defy all conventional thinking.

Today, there are many modalities, philosophies, and even quantum theory that indicate we live in a holographic universe created by consciousness or thoughts.

There is a growing scientific consensus that there’s an underlying quantum field or reality that interacts with ours to create the 3D dimension we live in and experience every day.

What the exact nature of this field and our universe is, how it came to be, who potentially made it, and how it works is all still being explored. There are many overlapping theories that align with ancient texts, traditions, and spiritual teachings with this idea of multiple dimensions that exist outside the bounds of our five physical senses. Movies like The Matrix and The Thirteenth Floor approach this as we’re living in a simulation, and perhaps a simulation within another simulation as people like Elon Musk and many physicists and computer scientists have argued.

Whether or not it’s a simulation, if the quantum field theory is true, and if we’re all tapped into this field through our thoughts, then the field would be aware of what we’re thinking and interact with us in ways that we normally don’t notice, through our subconscious. In other words, our Universe is Intelligent and communicating with us and wants to co-create your reality.

In fact, in this paradigm, it could be understood that Thoughts Create Things. Your thoughts, both conscious and subconscious, create your reality. Could they then be used to create the reality you dream of, including winning the lottery?

What if you learned the secret of controlling your thoughts to manifest anything? You would literally have access to the genie in the lamp to make your utmost wishes come true! This is not as far fetched as it may at first seem. Many lottery winners have attested to using the Law of Attraction to win, and many celebrities have testified to this Remarkable Secret as one of the keys to their massive success and wealth.

In terms of the lottery, if we look solely at mathematical odds then the odds of winning a lotto jackpot are orders of magnitude MORE LIKELY than finding a planet like Earth in the universe. In fact, an astrophysicist from Sweden estimates the odds at 1-in-700-quintillion in Discover Magazine.

What this means is that the very fact of your existence and mine, on this planet, at this exact time, in a world that supports life and all the diversity we see on Earth is one of the most unlikely possibilities ever conceived. We shouldn’t be here. Earth should not exist from a probabilistic, mathematical perspective.

Yet, here you are. Let that sink in. YOU are a literal miracle and jackpot winner already. Your body is miraculous, your life is miraculous, you’ve overcome incredible odds to be here today and despite any challenges you may face, the Universe is in your favor right now and wants to see you healthy, happy, and secure!

So knowing this, then anything must be possible. People have been defying the odds at every step and with every turn throughout history. Every day miracles happen.

Once you understand the bigger picture, then you will know what you need to do to fulfill your destiny.

To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only obligation.

From The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho

Try this repeating this affirmation with some feeling behind it:

6 times in a row, 3 times a day… morning, afternoon and before bed… for 9 days straight (Tesla’s 369 method):

Yes, my dreams come true.

Yes, my dreams come true.

Yes, my dreams come true.

Yes, my dreams come true.

Yes, my dreams come true.

Yes, my dreams come true.

The more excited you are when speaking these the better. It will help reprogram your subconscious to believe and change your reality over time. Practice visualizing more specifically your dream life. You can modify the affirmation in any manner you like. This one is simple and easy to start with.

Remember, Ask… Believe… Receive.


Lotto Code is a software tool that reveals hidden patterns in the lottery that can help increase your odds exponentially to WIN the JACKPOT!

Like many wise teachers before us, we’ve harnessed the art of story to convey some hidden truths in a way that puts YOU at the center of this great treasure quest…

Click Here to Read “The Story of the Wise Man”